Monday, October 20, 2008

Gauss d home coming II

Hoho, again i am in my hometown now. This time no more rush for the earlier bus and no more chase the STAR LRT. wakakakkaakkakaka. It was all because my parent come and fetch me back. wakakakaka. Enjoy the air-cond of the car, enjoy the CD-player on the car, enjoy the joke from my Uncle..ya, my uncle come too, because they come KL this time to fetch my sister.

After that , we go to Klang to fetch my sis lah, we go to 龙的传人 for lundin(a.k.a lunch + dinner). Wakakakaka. the food there suckx!!! expensive somemore!!! only da "little dragon pau"(小笼包)boleh tahan.

还有接下来这段, 我会回归我的老母语-华语啦,因为我不想得罪任何人啦,哇哈哈哈哈哈。故事是这样开始的。
话说一日,刘小祥与何小龙在网上闲聊,聊到了关于“鞥索”的话题。小祥闲来无事,找了个软件便做开始设计几个 “鞥索”标志。小祥越做越上瘾,便做到了凌晨,最后终于做出了四三十二个惊天地泣鬼神(瞎说罢了,瞎说罢了)的标志,小祥心里是高兴啊!原来,这就是传说中做东西的快乐。此时,小祥心生一计,不如把它放到网上看看其他“鞥索”的同学,觉得如何,就这样小祥把这些图片放在部落格里。等啊等,终于有人在部落格里回复了,他说,那些标志好像是我从别的地方抄袭过来的。我不否认,我做的标志不怎么样,不过他说是抄袭过来的,就有点那个了。对,我是用软件做的,但我一个都没抄。算了吧,就当作是我误会了他的意思吧!!



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